How to Find Your Vibe with networking and grow your connections

Networking is a great tool in the business owner toolkit. Meeting people face to face (in real life or online) is going to leave a memorable impact (in some form! ). But there are so many business owners who avoid networking like the plague!

The idea of rocking up to a group of people and trying to get them to buy from you is intimidating - I know cos that's what I thought I had to do when I first thought about starting networking. Thankfully, you don’t have to approach networking as a long sales pitch. Yes, absolutely talk about what you do as people can’t buy from, refer to or support you if they don’t know what you’ve got going on in your business, BUT you can be human too and create genuine connections. 

Networking, when you approach it in a way that works for you, can generate opportunities, clients and money and can even be fun. If you’re not sure how to make networking work for you, here are some ideas for how to find your vibe...

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Holding boundaries is a business growth strategy

If I asked you to list business growth strategies, how long would it take you to mention knowing and honouring your boundaries?  I’m guessing a little while because our minds usually go to things to do with marketing, networking and selling.  Don’t get me wrong, these are all important areas of business growth, so important that we cover them as monthly topics inside the Find Your Vibe Business Club

Boundaries deserve to be on the list as well because just like marketing, networking and selling, boundaries help you to find, nurture, convert and serve clients.  If we don’t preserve our ability to do those things, how are we going to get anywhere in our businesses?  So, let’s dig into how boundaries can impact business growth. 

Boundaries: What’s The Big Deal?

Talking about boundaries - defining and standing by them - can bring up a lot of resistance in people. They worry about being mean, demanding or self-centred....

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Connecting with your values directly relates to your productivity as a business owner!

Knowing yourself is the most powerful thing you can do as a business owner.  When you really know yourself, you can give yourself what you need to succeed. It allows you to finally accept that you’re really a night owl, so you ditch the 9-5 schedule and start working 11-7.  As a result, you’re so much happier and as a knock-on effect so much more productive.  It allows you to truly be yourself and that energy attracts your dream clients with a cherry on top. Do I hear big business growth calling?

A big part of knowing yourself is knowing your values.  When you are aware of your values, it’s so much easier to make decisions in business, letting go of what doesn’t feel right and generating more opportunities for what does.  I know the thought of values can feel a little bit confusing so let’s define what values are, the impact they have, and how you can start taking value-driven action. 

Defining the Abstract: What Are...

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Make this year the year you reach your business goals!

It’s the cycle no one wants to be stuck in but so many people are!  

You set goals.  

You don’t reach them.  

You try again next year.  


You’re left feeling like a failure and that procrastination is the only thing you can follow through with. 

Let’s break the cycle!  

What nobody tells you is that achieving goals is a science.  You can’t just want to achieve a goal.  If really wanting it was all it took, you’d already be there.  Putting a strategy behind pursuing your goals gives you a much better chance of succeeding.  

The science behind achieving your goals

Dr Gail Matthews from the Dominican University of California did a great study on goal setting. She found “empirical evidence for the effectiveness of three coaching tools: accountability, commitment, and writing down one’s goals.” The study revealed when someone just thinks about their goals without writing...

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Time to embrace setting goals for your business!

business journaling Dec 01, 2023

That’s another year almost over.  How?  You tell me!  The years seem to be flying by faster and faster.  As you fight off all the colds and bugs the kids are bringing home from school and frantically look for presents to buy for your loved ones, don’t let goal setting for your business next year fester at the bottom of your to-do list.

What you do now can significantly impact the person you become, the business you run and the life you live this time next year.  Speaking from experience - personally, as a coach and a business owner myself. 

Goal Setting - “Do I have to?”

We could come up with a laundry list of excuses to not set goals.  There’s always loads of reasons why ‘I don’t need to do this right now’.  For example, I don’t need to do any goal setting for my business because…

Who knows what I’ll want to be doing this time next year? 

New Year’s Resolutions...

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How to maximise your marketing efforts for small business success

business journaling Nov 27, 2023

You love what you do. If pure passion equaled the number of customers or clients on your books, you’d be sold out and over capacity. Unfortunately, running a successful small business doesn’t always quite work that way. Making sales consistently requires that you harness your passion to effectively market your goods and services so your ideal customers see your value and are ready to buy.

Easier said than done! You’ve got to the point in business when you’re a little fed up with marketing (putting it nicely). You’ve done everything you’re supposed to do and it still feels like you’re shouting into the void.

Sound familiar?

It’s time to find your vibe when it comes to marketing so you can move forward in your business with confidence, conviction and money hitting your bank account.

Two Major Blockers To Maximum Marketing Results

Firstly, why does it feel so hard? As business owners (alongside all the other roles we juggle like mums,...

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Market your business, your way, to hit your goals

business journaling Nov 21, 2023

Here’s the thing, if your ideal customers or dream clients don’t know your business exists and can’t see the value of engaging with it, they’re never going to reach out to you. You can’t attempt to sell to people when they don’t know you and aren’t motivated to find out more.

I don’t mean that to sound harsh. It’s just the reality of operating in the online business world. There is so much fighting for your future client’s attention that you can’t expect to be seen and understood. You need to make it happen. That’s what marketing is all about - showing up for your audience so they can easily choose you.

Hold your customers’ hand as they go along the buyer journey of finding you, warming to you, taking the leap of buying from you for the first time, and then coming back for more again and again.

“That sounds good but I’m trying and nothing is working!” I hear you cry. Been there and...

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A fabulous journal technique to help boost your sales confidence!

business journaling Nov 15, 2023

Are clients slipping through your fingers?

Feel more confident and close more sales with this technique


Here you are again. You’re staring at a potential client through Zoom, looking for any positive signs that they might be considering saying yes to working with you. Then they hit you with “I’ll think about it…”

You’re defeated. It’s the same thing every time. No matter how many top tip TikToks you watch, free trainings you attend or sales call scripts you try, you seem to momentously trip over the final hurdle of closing the sale. Still, you get the deer in headlights or word vomit moment. 

The more you ‘mess up’ closing sales, the more difficult they become because you get stressed about making the same mistakes again and start to lose belief in your ability to create a positive outcome. 

It would be so much easier if you could get it right a few times so you could build your confidence. In a way, you can....

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Making more money starts in the unconscious mind

business journaling Nov 15, 2023

You love it when it’s there, hate it when it’s not but don’t treat it right so it will stay. That’s a lot of people’s relationship with money - negative and not conducive to reaching your money goals and therefore life goals. 

As women in business, yes we want to help people and yes we want to do something we enjoy for a living but we also want (and need!) to make money. Without money how are you going to pay the electricity bill and clothe your kids, never mind pay for their increasingly expensive extracurricular activities and have enough left over for drinks with the girls? 

Creating the financial life you want isn’t only determined by ‘businessy’ stuff like selling the right product to the right people at the right price. It’s also determined by how you think and feel about money. 

The what and why of money mindset

Your money mindset is made up of your beliefs and your attitude surrounding money. ...

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Gratitude journaling - write your way into positivity!

personal journaling Nov 02, 2022

Let’s talk about gratitude 

What is gratitude?  The Oxford English dictionary definition is “The quality of being thankful; readiness to show appreciation for and to return kindness.

Practising gratitude is recognising and acknowledging the things that others have done for you.  It’s recognising and acknowledging the things you have in your life.  

Thing is, you know you're grateful, you don’t take things for granted and you always say thank you when someone holds a door open for you! So, why actively go out of your way to show gratitude for all this fabulous stuff in your life?  

Actively practising gratitude daily has been shown to give you masses of benefits including (but not limited to)

  • Improves your physical and mental health
  • Reduces anxiety, depression and stress
  • Improves your relationships
  • Increases your productivity
  • It aids your sleep, boosts your energy and your self-esteem
  • You feel more positive emotions...
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