Hi! I'm Claire

Welcome to The Journal Vibe! 

I combine the power of coaching with the power of journaling, to help women ditch the self-doubt and procrastination and create the woman they want to be!

Don't go on a journey to find the old you (she got you to this point!), instead take control and become the woman you know you are!

Find Your Vibe!

Take the step to being truly you!

Why Journaling?

Keeping a journal is more than a diary.  It's your own private space to be completely honest and open with yourself, whether it's your personal or business life.

Create your own personal inner therapist, coach and cheerleader!

How can journaling help you?

  • Learn to express yourself, openly and honestly
  • Process thoughts and feelings around a particular situation - recognise them, acknowledge them, release them and more forward
  • Learn about yourself - including what makes you tick, how you process emotional events/situations, your strengths and how to use those to your benefit
  • Keeps a record of your progress towards goals - helps to boost motivation!
  • Review and see patterns in different areas of your life so you can make any changes you want to make to transform your life
  • Remind yourself of everything you have in your life to be grateful for
  • Be more productive on a daily basis
  • Explore and examine your dreams and their meanings - what is your sub-conscious trying to tell you?

...and so much more!

The Journal Vibe Club

An awesome support community for anyone on a self-development journey.

Create and maintain a powerful journal practise!

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Find Your Vibe Business Club

An awesome support community for smallĀ business owners.

Find your vibe and see your business thrive!

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Group Workshops

A range of online and in person workshops for life and business.

Soak up the power of group support to enhance your self-development journey! 

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1:1 Personal Support

Exclusive and bespoke one-to-one coaching support to help you find your vibe in your life and/or business.

Choose your pace and flow!

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Self-Paced Journaling

Prefer to work on your personal and/or business development in your own time? No problem!

A selection of topics available for you to complete in your own time

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Join Our Mailing List!

Stay up to date with workshops, courses and journaling inspiration!


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