What does it really mean to find yourself?

Have you ever reached the realisation that you've completely lost touch with yourself? You don’t know who you are anymore. It hits you like a ton of bricks. I had that revelation a few years back. I had moulded myself to fit other people’s expectations of me. At the same time, I had eroded my sense of self and who I truly was. 

It was a lightbulb moment that something needed to change. I wanted to be myself. But I had no idea who that was, I needed to sort my real self out from who I had become to please other people. Much of my journey of rediscovering myself happened in my journal. I would journal to explore what I liked and disliked, what I believed in, what I was passionate about, what I wanted to do with my business and where I wanted to take my life. My journey of self-discovery is an ongoing one. It has already got me to a place where I am living much more happily with who I am, as well as who I am becoming because we are always changing and...

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