How spring cleaning will give you a boost to continue to succeed

business journaling Feb 07, 2024

It’s that time of year again.  The daffodils are about to blossom and spring is about to begin. And with it spring-cleaning season! Woohoo! (or not!)  Now while I’m all about finding your vibe and ditching the ‘shoulds’ to do things your own way, I do think springtime is a nice reminder to have a clearout. 

Life can get messy, especially during the wintertime when all you want to do is hibernate under a cosy blanket, but you’ve got to navigate the chaos of Christmas and New Year.  In the push to get things done, blockages can build.  Like the pile of stuff in the corner of your office that you were going to sort out 11 weekends ago but has now become a feature in your workspace.  It’s not exactly helping your productivity.

Spring cleaning isn’t just reserved for physical things.  What could do with a tidy in your digital world?  How could you bring a bit more calm to your busy mind?  Are you happy with how you are using your time?  If you need permission to do a bit of a refresh and reset, this is it!  You can justify it with all these good reasons. 

10 Good Reasons To Spring Clean Your Business

It feels good

99.19% of people feel better after decluttering according to this very specific (which I love) decluttering survey. Clutter, whether it inhabits the physical, digital or some other realm, spikes stress levels and overstimulates the senses which you really don’t need, especially as you forge your own path of success.  It’s easier to do the hard but important work when you’re looking after yourself.  As a bonus, it’s pretty satisfying to finally tick a task off your to-do list and bask in the result of your decluttering whether it’s a clean desk or an empty email inbox. 

Refocus and realign

By refocusing I don’t just mean getting rid of distractions so you can concentrate better, although that is helpful.  Consider what you actually want in your physical, digital and mental space.  Let go of ‘shoulds’ and ‘musts’.  Curate your spaces so you can be the best version of yourself.  There’s no right way to do it.  It’s so easy to get off track, thinking we want one thing because, for whatever reason, that’s what you’ve been made to believe.  Are you living out your heart-felt values?  Are you giving yourself the chance to experience all that you are capable of?  Remind yourself of what drives you and embrace that. 

Re-ignite inspiration and motivation

I find a refreshed office, laptop, schedule and mind results in a renewed sense of inspiration and motivation.  I’ve reconnected with what I’m working towards, why I’m putting in all this hard work and the tools I have available to make it happen.  It’s exciting!  Especially when you tap into what inspires you by putting your stamp on all your spaces such as keeping your favourite scented candle on your desk, setting your vision board as your laptop screensaver, blocking out an hour in your schedule every week for ‘me-time’ or getting into the habit of spending 10 minutes a day on journaling for personal development. Whatever it might be!

Make room for more of the good

When you re-distribute your resources by getting rid of unhelpful stuff, you make room for more of the stuff you want.  Stuff like habits you want to pick up (journaling for example!), hobbies you want to get back into and the creativity to come up with really good ideas.  Obligations out.  Inspiration in!  Audit your life to make it more your vibe. 

Drives greater self-awareness

Taking this time to pause and reflect can bring up some really interesting insights.  You might find yourself having “Oh that’s why I’ve been so stressed” or “Oh that’s why I’ve been procrastinating that really important thing” moments.  It’s brilliant because you can use that information in the future to help maintain your productivity and happiness.  You know what to avoid, what to lean into and signs that you could do with a refresh. 


These are some journal prompts that could help with self-awareness as you spring clean:

How are these items helping me to grow my business?

What negative energy am I removing to open up room for more positive energy?

What can I do with the extra time I am freeing up?


Streamline and make life easier

Is something that could take 5 minutes actually taking half an hour because your Google Drive is a splatter of 5 years' worth of stuff?  Keeping around old declutter tends to only get in the way when to achieve all you are capable of you want to make your systems and processes as easy as possible.  When reviewing your repetitive, longwinded and not particularly enjoyable tasks, consider whether you need to do it at all.  It could be something you automate with a digital tool or outsource to someone else who has the skill set and passion to execute it well. 

Do the thing

Use this as a chance to actually do something you’ve been meaning to do but haven’t gotten around to even though it would be very useful for you.  Email previous clients to check in with them.  Go over your website to add business updates.  Do a 30 day yoga challenge to feel more grounded.  This is the time to do the damn thing!

Celebrate your success

As you tidy up, you’ll notice things you want to ditch or improve.  It’s also a chance to notice things you’re doing really well.  Maybe the reason you’ve got so many emails that need clearing out of your inbox is that you have more clients than ever.  Maybe the reason you’re re-prioritising how you spend your time is that you’ve made the effort to learn more about yourself and honour your wants and needs.  You’re well deserving of a happy dance!

Incorporate changes

Facilitating greater self-awareness and turning that into meaningful action is what I’m all about.  The more you learn about yourself, the more you figure out what works for you which can mean ditching old beliefs and behaviours.  If you’ve learned something about how to bring out the best in yourself, this is the time to infuse it into your physical space, how you navigate the digital world, how you spend your time and how you look after your mind. 

Take time for the details

Life seems to go at a hundred miles per hour these days.  There’s so much to do that there’s pressure to do everything in as little time as possible.  Firstly, you don’t need to even attempt to do everything.  Find your vibe and enjoy that!  Secondly, spring cleaning is your chance to take your time and give some TLC to the little things that can get left behind. 

How To Spring Clean With Impact

What do all these things have in common?  They all help you to be productive, make progress and reach your goals.  They all help you harness your skills and passion to grow as a professional and as a person.  That’s what it means to spring clean with impact.  It’s not just a tidy-up that lasts a few days (or hours in my household!) It’s a reset that propels you in the right direction. 


If that sounds like something you could do with right now, you’ll find what you’re looking for in the Find Your Vibe Business Club. The month of March is dedicated to spring cleaning your business.  Through daily journal prompts, guided workshops and other live events that prompt community conversations, we will spring clean your business across your physical space, digital space, mental space and time. 

Join us for our month of spring cleaning by signing up for the Find Your Vibe Business Club before March.  What do you already know is on your to-tidy list?  What’s something that’s been hiding in the shadows that could do with a good clearout?


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