Your mindset is one of your most powerful personal tools you have at your disposal and completely within your control!  Your mindset will affect every decision you make, every action you take, how you behave - it's literally how you think! 


What makes your mindset so stupidly important?

  • Determines how you deal with life's challenges
  • Determines our daily self-talk, affecting our confidence and self-esteem
  • Reinforces our beliefs, attitudes and feelings about ourselves
  • Determines how (and if!) you learn new skills
  • Determines your level of success
  • It's the key to your happiness and life satisfaction!

Everything you do in life is determined by how you view things, yourself and your abilities.  Your mind will support you and back up everything with all the evidence you need - negative or positive.

Journaling is a very powerful tool for any area of your life, use it to learn about yourself and change your future!

How can journaling help define your mindset?

  • Raises your awareness on current beliefs, thoughts and behaviours

  • Spot unhelpful patterns and behaviours

  • Change old negative beliefs into new positive beliefs

  • Monitor your progress on changing your thought processes

  • Boost your motivation when it's dipping

  • and so much more!

The journal prompts within 30 Days of Journaling - Define Your Mindset, are designed to help you dig deep and raise your awareness on what makes you think and act the way you do.  You may say positive things, but your results aren't reflecting this as subconsciously you're stuck in a negative, fixed mindset of old beliefs about your abilities. 

Let's uncover any negative beliefs you may have, unlock any unhelpful thought processes and behaviours you have hidden away and give you the information about yourself needed to help you release, work through or adapt so you can change your mindset into one that supports you to grow, learn and achieve everything you put your mind to!

Knowledge is power and the more you learn about yourself, the more empowered you will be!

But - you need this information first and you can gain this from honest, private journaling!

What's included?


* A minimum of one journal prompt per day, emailed directly to you so you can use it when you want

* An affirmation every day to help you reframe and confirm your new positive beliefs

* A thought-provoking and inspiring quotation each day to boost that positive mindset 

* The opportunity to dig deep and change your mindset for the better.  Change your mindset, change your life!

All for just £25!


Yes! I'm in!

Still feeling a bit of resistance?

Not ready to face uncovering the origins of old beliefs?

That's ok!  A free journal prompt for you instead - 

How is your mindset supporting you and how you want to live your life right now?  Working well for you?

You know where I am when you're ready!